you're a musician, you have yourspace on the net, with thousands of plays, everyone is your friend, you're famous....but still broke.
you're an advertiser, you buy banners, skyscrapers, make it look as loud as you can, and hope someone sees your ad, and clicks. and if not, you have to pay anyway.
you're a businessperson, you want to advertise online, but you can't afford high CPM's. sponsored links seems like good sense, but you have to settle for text only ads.
you're a blogger, you have your own website, you have many visitors. you'd like to profit, you don't like big scary ads. you'd like to share your taste with your readers while they visit.
i'm poptopus
i pay you everytime your music is played.
i bill you only when someone looks at your ad.
i let you choose text, graphic or animated ads without burdening you with CPM.
i pay you for hosting me while i entertain your visitors.
i'm currently in private beta, pop over here for more info.
i'd love to talk.
*ads shown are for demo purposes only.